Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Many thanks ...

... go to all of my friends who got together to make the celebration of the 27th anniversary my birth so much fun.

I escaped the river without being turned into a redneck, either by the sun, or by the good ole boy on and around the river.

I must have forgotten to warn the group about the libationary skills of my wife (a.k.a. The Margarita Queen). I am glad that everyone made it home safely.

A special congratulations goes to Cliff and Chris for the announcement of their engagement. Although, we didn't expect it so soon ;-).



Unknown said...

My lovely wife was the first to point out that I have lost one more year of my precious youth than I had thought.

I have updated the "26th anniversdary of my birth" to read the "27th anniversary".

Anonymous said...

If the span of the 360 days difference ever shortens, I can call you an old man... Until then I can just say Happy B-day bro-ugham.

Erins 'grita's were severe for sure, I had a phantom buzz that came BACK later on in the evening after not drinking for several hours.

Kindly tell her that her services as purveyor of agave based libations is requested next weekend (the 9th) for celebration of the 28th anniversary of my own hatching.

Anonymous said...

Thanks as always for the invite.
The grub was awesome, as usual.

Sorry we had to dip out so soon... Apparently the "3 cups of watermelon" Chris had as a "meal" before we came were no match for your wife's "Madre de bebidas mortales!" drink mixing skills. Despite the empty stomach, let that be a warning to any that think they can hang with the buda's wife in a drinking contest: YOU WILL LOSE! Let me also add, without too much description, watermelon and Agave smelled worse than you can imagine the second time around.

The ride home was darn funny. Chris made it about to 316 before settling in what looked to be even a contortionist’s uncomfortable postion against the passenger side window.

To your wife’s skills, in Iron Chef parlance, I will be countering next weekend at G's B-day festival with "That Red Stuff (TM)". Let the "Dude! I'm so wasted!", blackouts, and hangovers begin!

(warning, the above post was not spell chequed, is probably rife with gramatical errors: and shuld considered only informative...)