Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Team Slipstream in 2008

My pick for domestic races is easy because I have The Bean Team to root for but, the last 2 years I have had some trouble picking my favorite pro team in the Tour de France and other international races. I have resorted to rooting for individual riders instead of a whole team.

I am however no longer conflicted about my choice. The decision has actually been made for me because many of my favorite riders are uniting, under an argyle flag:

The Slipstream/Chipotle Professional Cycling Team

Tom Danielson, Dave Zabriskie, David Millar and Christian Vande Velde have all signed in 2008!

For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, get a clue.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It has been a crazy couple of weeks. I have been putting in some long hours both at home and at work. The light at the end of the tunnel is a beach in Mexico.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

São Paulo No Logo

Thanks goes to Beeza44 for getting me hooked on NPR/WNYC's On the Media which is where I heard about this in their April 20, 2007 podcast (skip to 18:46 to get right to it or listen to another interesting article about the Virginia Tech Tragedy). From the On The Media website:

Clearing The Air

In January, South America’s largest city officially banned outdoor advertising. Billboards, neon signs, bus-stop ads, even the Goodyear blimp - all were suddenly illegal. Folha de Sao Paulo reporter Vinicius Galvao describes seeing his city as though for the first time.

On a completely unrelated note does anyone have a school bus for sale? Cause I have a new project.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Friday, April 06, 2007

Press Release: AT&T takes major sponsorship role in Tour de Georgia

I had heard a few weeks back that the Tour de Georgia was still seeking a title sponsor. While at that time I heard that "Title Sponsor" = $1,000,000, I am sure that AT&T's $500,000 is _VERY_ welcome.

Thank you AT&T. Proud to be your customer.

Press Release: AT&T takes major sponsorship role in Tour de Georgia

Monday, April 02, 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Some Random Tracklist

For those of you who were fortunate enough to receive a disc of 18 random tracks of my collection. Here is the tracklist:

1) Noah's Dove, "10,000 Maniacs", Our Time in Eden
2) New Genious (Brother), Gorillaz, Gorillaz
3) Spies, Coldplay, Parachutes
4) Amy Hit The Atmosphere, Counting Crows, This Desert Life
5) Razzle Dazzle Rose, Camera Obscura, Let's Get Out of This Country 6) April 29, 1992 (Miami), Sublime, Sublime
7) Brothers On A Hotel Bed, Death Cab For Cutie, Plans
8) Perfect Hair, Dangerdoom, Mouse & The Mask
9) Pretty Good Year, Tori Amos, Under the Pink
10) This Love, Maroon 5, 1.22.03 Acoustic [EP]
11) Jesus Walking on the Water, Violent Femmes, Add It Up (1981-1993)
12) Approaching Pavonis Mons By Balloon (Utopia Planitia), The Flaming Lips, Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
13) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise), The Beatles, Love
14) Bedlam, Elvis Costello & The Imposters, The Delivery Man
15) The Abandoned Hospital Ship, The Flaming Lips, Clouds Taste Metallic
16) Truckers Atlas, Modest Mouse, The Lonesome Crowded West
17) Circus, Tom Waits, Real Gone
18) Dark Center Of The Universe, Modest Mouse, The Moon And Antartica [Bonus Tracks]

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

T-Mobile Disses Opera, Says "Get Less!" - Gearlog

I admit that I only made it halfway through the comments of this post because I was turned off b the signal to noise ratio but, I thought that it was post worthy because I have been personally bitten by this on more than one occasion.

Those who know me know that I am an early adopter and one to use more than the standard 2% of a phones features. It may be just me getting lazy but, I have all but given up on trying to make a mobile phone do what the feature set and specifications claim that it can do.

I have only recently been able to use Gmail and Google Maps on my Motorola handset. It was network blocked by T-Mobile until about 6 months ago and by the sound of this article it may be blocked again in the future.

T-Mobile Disses Opera, Says "Get Less!"

Monday, January 29, 2007

Of Montreal w/ Elekibass!!

Please note that according to the Of Montreal website they are touring with Elekibass. Click on Shows and note the "***".

P.f'n.S. I will most likely be on my way home from IL/MO and not be able to make it.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wii Would Like to Play

Well the coverage, so far, of this momentous event has been over at SchlenkerDoodle's Blog [1,2] but, I figured that I would add my POV.

Late last Saturday night I became one of "those guys" who is willing to camp out for a video game system.

E and I were over at Team Chambers' until about 1:30 and since we were close to Target and I knew that they were supposed to receive a shipment, I figured that we could swing by on the way home. There was absolutely no activity, we found out later that other Targets had received some but not Athens.

The big blue box was just up the road so we stopped by there too. I counted 9 brave souls. On the way home I made up my mind to drop of E and turn around and come back. I had planned to wake up at 6 or 7 and head straight there but, I didn't want to miss this shipment and have to wait another month.

I dressed warmly and made a pot of coffee. I put 1/2 of it in a travel cup and the other 1/2 in a thermos. I grabbed a lawn chair and off I went. I sat down at 2:30am as number 11 in line.

There wasn't much activity inline until sunrise: people trying to sleep, the Racetrac guy offering us free coffee, iPods, books, etc. It was cold but, not unbearable. After sunrise we got more chatty we compared stories and kept each other company.

The first guy in line was there before the store closed the night before and had been told that there would be 30 available. The first BB employee got there about 6 am (a full 5 hours before the store opens) he was very professional and told us that he would confirm the number and let us know as soon as he could. He posted within the hour that the number was indeed 30 and gave us details on how they would be distributed.

The 30th person got in line at about 9:00. At about 10:45 the BB manager handed out numbers to the first 30 people in line. When the store opened at 11:00 they marched us into the employee breakroom and called us 2 at a time to run through the "buffet" of games and accessories and to the registers. By the way that people were grabbing things guy number 30 probably had some slim pickings.

H and A came over and we each created a Mii and played for a couple hours but, after having stayed up all night, I fell asleep, literally, in the middle of playing Zelda.

In the days since I have played a good bit. I consider it well worth the wait and effort. My family is coming up this weekend to play.

Thanks to Mom for the Christmas present and E for being my SAG Wagon with breakfast in the morning.

P.S. If we know each other in meatspace and you have a Wii send me your "Wii Number".

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The wait is over.

I can now sit at the cool kids table that is Beta Blogger. Perhaps my posting hiatus will now come to a close.